You know that giddy feeling you get when so many things you love happen to collide? That was my experience with the C family, and I am so excited to introduce you to them.
My husband and I have had the privilege of watching God put together this family. It started about a year ago when a nervous, soon to be Mommy and Daddy decided to take a leap of faith and pursue adoption.
The thing I love so much about this couple is that love flows out of them, and kids naturally and easily fall in love with them (My children rave about "Mr. C's" paper airplane making abilities). Before considering adoption Mr + Mrs C decided to volunteer in the kids program at our church just because they loved being with kids so much and they wanted to give that love away. Much like they approached volunteering selflessly, so did they approach adoption.
There are so many different ways to pursue adoption, but this couple chose a route that many people questioned and didn't quite understand. This family chose to "foster to adopt", and because of that choice they found their beautiful, forever daughter. But more importantly, this sweet girl found unconditional love AND her forever family. What could be more beautiful than that?
As I was photographing the C family, I was struck by their joy. Mom and Dad constantly beamed as they looked at their daughter. Sweet girl always matched their gaze with love in her eyes. It quickly became evident that this family truly appreciates and values being a family. They tell me it isn't always rainbows and unicorns, but what family is? It's the fact that they ARE a family that makes their story so beautiful.
During their session they read one of their favorite books together that had us all a little teary eyed. It is titled, "God found us you" by Lisa Tawn Bergren. This book tells the rest of the story...
Little Fox cuddled up to Mama Fox one night and said sleepily, "Mama. tell me again about the day I came home."
"Oh. yes." Mama said with a smile. "That is my favorite story of all. When God found us you, it made me the happiest mother in the world."
"Just by comin' home?" Little Fox asked with a yawn.
"Especially by coming home." Mama said
Thank you C family for allowing me to be a part of this special time in your lives. I will forever have this day etched in my heart.